Definition of Bathing cap

1. Noun. A tight-fitting cap that keeps hair dry while swimming.

Exact synonyms: Swimming Cap
Generic synonyms: Cap

Definition of Bathing cap

1. Noun. a silicone, latex or lycra cap worn on the head by recreational and competitive swimmers. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Bathing Cap

bathing beaches
bathing beauties
bathing beauty
bathing box
bathing boxes
bathing cap
bathing caps
bathing costume
bathing hut
bathing machine
bathing machines
bathing suit
bathing suits
bathing trunks
bathing tub

Literary usage of Bathing cap

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle by Jane Welsh Carlyle (1883)
"And now ' comes to pass, '] a poor son of Adams in want of a bathing-cap 'by return of post,' and none nearer than Albemarle Street will please him! ..."

2. Energy Transformations During Horizontal Walking by Francis Gano Benedict, Hans Murschhauser (1915)
"Sufficient oxygen is next admitted to distend the rubber bathing-cap until a slight ... On starting the blower again, the rubber bathing-cap sinks somewhat, ..."

3. Through Finland in Carts by Alec-Tweedie (Ethel) (1900)
"bathing cap was as much commented upon as though it had been a dynamite bomb. ... The next day that bathing cap was found— I had packed it up ! ..."

4. Potluck: Stories That Taste Like Hawaii by Catherine Bridges Tarleton (2001)
"I can't wait to show my husband the picture (He was already visualized with wrench and rubber bathing cap) with our sunset beers. He gets to laughing too, ..."

5. A Study of Prolonged Fasting by Francis Gano Benedict (1915)
"The apparatus used hi this method consists of a woman's rubber bathing cap (pure gum), which is fastened to the bottom of an inverted shallow copper pan ..."

6. Modern Primary Arithmetic by Bruce Mervellon Watson, Charles Edward White (1918)
"7. Three mouse traps and a screw driver. 8. Three bags of mints. 9. A knife, a hatchet, and a rubber ball. 10. A bathing cap and a toy tennis racquet. ..."

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